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Get Clicks, Traffic, Opt-Ins & Sales For Life From Our VIP Founding Membership
Plus 50% Commissions!

Strictly Limited To The 1st 100 Action Takers

Membership Level Free Gold Platinum Elite JV Partner VIP
Credits For Clicking Text Ads 25 50 75 100 125 150
Credits For Clicking Banners 25 50 75 100 125 150
Credits Earned Per Referral 100 200 400 600 750 1000
Free Gift Slots 0 1 2 3 4 5
Credits Earned On Signup 0 50,000 100,000 200,000 500,000 1,000,000
Commissions 15% 20% 25% 30% 40% 50%
Cost (Lifetime Access) Free :) $17 $27 $47 $97 $147


Here's your chance to grab a hold of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for ongoing clicks, traffic, opt-ins & sales FOR LIFE as a VIP Founding Member of

The benefits are huge and the delivery is oh, so simple that it'll make perfect sense to you as to why you'll want to grab your spot.

Make sure to look at all the reasons why you'll want to take action.

But before we go into those reasons why you want this upgrade, let us give you a gift in advance as a way of saying thanks for taking a look at this offer.

Here's a thank you in advance promo code: vipadvance
This promo code is good for 1 banner ad with 10,000 impressions!

We want you to really think about that.

What if you had the advertising power to setup hundreds of banner ads like that one that could point to your websites from here through to next year and beyond..even 5 yrs or 10 years from now..

How much traffic would that bring you?

Copy down the promo code and use it after you've read this offer and taken action.

And if you don't take us up on the offer, no worries..we can still be friends. :)

When you joined you joined because you wanted more traffic and more money.

With this special offer, we know you'll benefit because no matter what the economy looks like a year or two or five years from now.. people will always want more traffic for their sites (just like you do) and you'll be positioned right in front of them year after year...

Here's a marketing lesson to write down... "Give your customers what they want, not what you think they need."

Why? Simple.. People like paying for things they want, not necessarily what they need...

What would you have more fun buying.. A treadmill or a big screen TV? See the difference..

So we know traffic is the lifeblood of getting opt-ins and sales and marketers WANT MORE of it..

So as we continue to grow you'll continue to reap the rewards from today because of the ever-increase in traffic you're gonna get.

So really think about that.. You raised your hand saying you wanted more traffic when you we're about to give it to you on a silver platter..


Here Are The Reasons Why You'll Want To Take Us Up On This Special Limited Offer.


Reason #1 ($997 Value):

This offer is extremely limited and only for 100 members who take action 1st.

Once all 100 spots are taken, they are gone forever which will make YOU STAND OUT.

Since you will be 1 of only 100 Founders. This special deal will be dwindling in availability every hour that goes by, so make sure to secure your position.


Reason #2 ($997 Value):

You get the benefits of this offer FOR LIFE - not for 6 months or a year, but FOR LIFE.

Two, five or seven years from now you will still be getting traffic from your decision today!


Reason #3 ($Priceless):

1,000,000 ad credits - yes, one million! You'll never need to click on ads again for a very long time..

How much time would that save you? And how many sites could you promote?

What kind of difference would that traffic make to your bottom line? is growing by the minute and word is spreading about how well it converts for other members you'll want to take advantage of this momentum by placing as many ads as possible.. and yes, years from now, you can just login and change the ads to whatever you are promoting at the time!


Reason #4 ($997 Value):

VIP Founding Members will get a "VIP Members" spotlight area under the new View Ads section where all Founding Members are showcased to EVERY MEMBER that goes to view ads.

Every time a member clicks to view more ads, a different set of 5 Founding Members will be shown to the user viewing ads.

This means long-term repeat exposure to your website and blog and to any site you want to mention in the "about me" section. This is HUGE Value!

Once you upgrade all you'll have to do is click on the Edit My Details button and upload your photo and add your information.

Your profile will include your Name, Photo, Blog URL, Website URL, Facebook URL, Twitter URL along with an "About Me" section where you can add additional URLS!


Reason #5 ($197 Value):

You'll receive a " VIP Member" Logo you can place on your sites or blog to display your unique and coveted membership.

It will link back to your referral URL to bring your long term affiliate commissions and credits!

Reason #6 ($197 Value):


We have a spot on the footer of the site that showcases all Founding Members so that even non-members will be able see you -- which means MORE TRAFFIC FOR LIFE!


Reason #7 ($997 Value):

All Founders will receive 1 permanent spot in our Autoresponder that goes out to all members that join! That's right!

We'll send your promotional email to all members who join FOR LIFE!

Current members and every member that joins later will receive your autoresponder email about your offer..

So this means... the quicker you purchase, the closer your email will be to the front of the line after a new member joins!

And if you want to change your message later on down the road - NO PROBLEM.

Just contact us with your userid and new message and we'll change it for you right away!

The traffic and sales you can get over time is easily worth 20 times the value of this package - You pay once and benefit FOR LIFE. Think of the possibilities.

Reason #8 ($997 Value):

Maybe the biggest reason of all!

How About 50% Commissions!?

That's Right! Upgrade Now To A Founding Member

And Receive 50% Referral Commissions To Your Account!

Anytime Any Of Your Referrals Join And Pay

You'll get 50% commissions on all front-end OTO's & Downsells and on the 2 Upsells After those 3 offers!

Plus commissions on any login offers that your referrals purchase!

The only commission that I'll keep will be the sale made from this offer.

Join Now And Get 50% Referral Commissions For Life!

But Only If You Upgrade Now To A Founding Member

Why would we do this? Simple..

If you get commissions, you're more likely to promote "" more often..

Which means more members! Which means more members promoting ""!

It's really that simple!


Just take a look at some of our recent VIP Founding Members:

Stephen Painter aka Qarkzin

Ejler Kohncke


Brent Walker

Keith Miller

Elsa kristen

Rickey Pruitt

Bronzilla Sheppard

Antoine DuBois

Patrick Willems

Patrick DeMasi

Karl Coldiron

Brian Crich


Don Leopard

Anton Grantham

If you pass up this offer, you'll miss out on being one of the few elite

Here's A Recap Of What You're Getting:

Exclusive Lifetime VIP Founding Membership For Only 100 Members: $1994 Value

1,000,000 Ad Credits: Priceless!

Founding Members "VIP Members" Spotlight Area: $997 Value

Founding Member Logo: $197 Value

VIP Founding Members Footer Link Advertising: $197 Value

Founding Member Lifetime Autoresponder Placement: $997 Value

50% Commissions: $997 Value

Total Real-World Value Of This Offer Is Over $5,000!



So now that you know what we have to offer and what it will do for you. Here's what you need to do next.

You can secure this special offer and be one of the one hundred members who will ever be able to take advantage for a low one-time investment of only $147.00

That's it. No yearly rebills, no monthly payments, no funny business at all.

Simply upgrade and you'll be one of the Limited Few!

Simply click below to make your purchase.

You'll be immediately upgraded after purchase.

Then just login and click on the "Edit My Details" button to add your details.

Then submit a support ticket with your userid and autoresponder message and we will load it up into the system within 48hrs.

Remember, the quicker you purchase, the closer your email will be to the front of the line after a new member joins!

And remember - you can change your information and ads at any time!

So take action right away!

This is truly limited to 100 members so do not wait! This offer will be gone soon!



'Look, you've wasted enough time, energy and money trying to get traffic the hard way. In just a few minutes you could be getting more signups to your links and offers than you ever thought possible. makes it easy.. just setup up your links, promote, and our system takes care of the rest, it's that simple.

To get this special offer added instantly your account, click the order now button below to pay .'

Yours sincerely,

Phil @

PS: This is a special One Time Offer on signup.. so for a strictly limited time, if you purchase right now you can get a huge discount compared to inside the members area.



One-time Payment for LIFETIME VIP Founding Membership

Order Now to get this complete package added instantly to your account!
This is a real Limited Time Offer and prices may increase at any time.

Get this offer right now for only $99

$147 $99


No Thanks,
I realize this is a great offer and I know it could bring me tons of traffic for life..
but I don't think I need more traffic than I already get...I'll have to pass.. is NOT a Pyramid Scheme, MLM or a get-rich-quick program. We are pureply an advertising platform. We don't require you to have a website or sell any product to use our service. We do not require you to refer anyone to our site to use our service. You won't get rich by using our internet advertising program. This website uses cookies. Being a member and/or continued use of this website indicates that you accept our cookies policy.

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